In the belly of prohibition-era beast that is The Noble Experiment comes a brand new bar. And it’s one that will always be somewhat “new”. The Underground Experiment, headed up by Noble’s barkeep Linus Schaxmann and Dominique Cacioli (ex-Saigon Sally), will emerge in different incarnations every nine months or so.
To start they’re going back to the hedonistic 1980s, complete with flashback-inducing dance music, neon lights and classic Eddie Murphy flicks on rotation (get your perms and Lycra ready). The bar has commissioned young local printmaker Naomi Laudani to create a series of hyper-colour pop culture portraits of pre-Wall-Street-crash icons like Ferris Bueller, Princess Leia, Madonna and Bill Murray.
The cocktail menu aims to reclaim kitsch recipes and improve upon them with modern techniques like atomisation and jellies; get a bit silly with a no-longer-cringe-worthy Sex on the Beach, a Grasshopper or a Zombie in a weighty tiki mug. Bendy straw garnishes are still essential however. There are also relatively sophisticated bites like Chambord caviar, jam jelly shot doughnuts, boozy gelato and rum-infused brownies to set the bar far apart from run-of-the-mill retro-style pick-up joints around town.
Step back in time at The Underground Experiment; basement, 284 Smith Street, Collingwood.