Diary: Iron Bartender VII

Iron Bartender is a long running challenge at Lily Black‘s where two guest bartenders are set against one other to mix up a winning concoction with weird and wonderful surprise ingredients. They describe the event as essentially “a drunken version of ‘Iron Chef’”. This month, in a vague ode to the […]

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Lily’s in a Pickle

You may have heard of or experienced – a Boilermaker; a shot with beer chaser. Lily Black’s has now warped this party-starting idea by introducing a ‘Picklemaker’ menu. The concept was partially sparked by a drink dubbed the ‘Pickleback’, a Brooklyn-based trend of whiskey (typically Jameson’s) and pickle brine chaser […]

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Frocktails: Melbourne Spring Fashion Week

Cocktail hour traditionally starts at five, but attendees at MSFW know what it is to be fashionably late. Melbourne Spring Fashion Week starts their official afterparties at 8pm. MSFW Emerging and Designer Series ticket holders can enjoy the following afterparty offers along with the obligatory model-spotting; Tuesday 4th – Terra […]

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Hasti Bala Bar

The Carlton Hotel officially celebrated the launch of their newest room, Hasti Bala, with a raucous soiree. The dresscode was “a touch of the jungle” however as you can see by the photos below guests ended up more like they had been “bitch-slapped by the jungle”. Pebbles and Bam-Bam look-a-likes […]

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